
I enjoy baking.

If you ask my neighbors about the best part of living near me, you’ll receive a consistent response: the volume of baked goods that comes from my apartment.

My journey into baking began during my sophomore year in college. I started making simple cookies, following instructional videos and online resources. Over time, my curiosity led me to explore the world of French pastries. I found great enjoyment in learning new dessers, treating it like a fascinating ‘research project’ in baking. Initially, I would read books and study materials to replicate recipes, gradually gaining proficiency. Once I became skilled, I ventured into innovating and adding my own ideas to the original recipes. The constant repetition of the same dishes didn’t appeal to me, so I found happiness in experimenting with every new dessert I tried.

Of course, I encountered failures along the way, each success after a setback brought immense joy. Baking has remained a constant source of delight in my life up to this day. Whenever I feel down, baking a cake and engaging in delightful conversations with friends become therapeutic, helping me heal and find the strength to move forward.

Below are images of my baking creations!

Chocolate Tart - for my friend’s birthdayMacaron - for Halloween
Canele - Paper discussion with friendBlack Tea Chiffon Cake - My cat wants it!
BreadChinese Mooncake